Bowl Sets 碗套

On Actual day of wedding, newly wed couple will use the new bowl set to eat food such as "Tang Yuan", egg or vermicelli. This signifies that the couple will have continuous supply of food. In chinese 丰衣足食.

Bowl Set 1
Model No.: BS0001

Stock Availability: 2

2 Bowls
2 Saucers
2 Pair of Chopsticks
2 Spoons

Price: $28.00

Bowl Set 2
Model No.: BS0002

Stock Availability:1

2 Bowls
2 Saucers
2 Pair of Chopsticks
2 Spoons

Price: $28.00

Bowl Set 3
Model No.: BS0003

2 Bowls
2 Saucers
2 Pair of Chopsticks
2 Spoons

Price: $28.00
[Sold out]